ពុទ្ធបដិមា (Buddhist images)

ពុទ្ធបដិមា (Buddhist images)


Buddhist images

It is rare to see the statue in Angkor style except the Buddha takes a 0.87 meters of sandstone dragon from a cave in Serei Phorn district, Battambang province. The Buddha triggered the dragon under the art statue, which is the art that emerges from the art workshop of any art of the Angkor period. The artist was influenced by the religious icons.


Usually Cambodian Buddhist artists born in the 6th century show pseudoscience in the form of natural hair. Artists have carved out the crowns and crowns to Buddha characters, the world's largest example of sacrificing material in the treasure of the monk's noble family to promote their talents to produce artworks under vegetarianism, but to save their royal hair.

Paul Mus's opinion explains that in fact, showing art statues in the image above is a reminder of the image of the Buddha in the form of an imperial king. This view is comparable to Theravada Buddhism flourishing, based on two triumphs: First, Mahayana and Second Enlightenment.


Depending on the character, we can identify as the heroic Sagittarius, under the protection of the Dragon, during a period of heavy rain throughout the week, between Enlightenment and the Catechesis of Dentistry. The artist showed a 7-headed dragon in life. The superlative multiplication of philosophers has its own significance throughout the three worlds. Because of this attribute.


Buddhika understood that not only ordinary people who worshiped him but also the poisonous dragon must also respect him. This statue shows that the art of looking at the front, the mingling and the superiority by reducing the size of the sculpture, which is the characteristic of Angkor Wat design. His eyes closed, lips smiled, but he did not show us the inner life or compassion that the artist displayed in the Bayon style. 

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