While there are sincere guys out there, there are also plenty of guys who are willing to say anything to impress a girl on a first date. In some cases he might just be looking for a quickie. In other cases, he suffers from deep insecurities. Either way, if a guy makes any of these 12 statements, turn down a second date at all costs.more info herbeauty
1. I’m not the Jealous or Controlling Type

2. I’m Totally Into Chick Flicks

3. I’m Looking For a Committed Relationship

4. My Saturday Nights Are Always Super Busy

5. This is my First Alcoholic Drink in Ages

6. I Get Along With All of My Exes

7. I’m Not Seeing Anybody Right Now

8. I’m Usually A Health Nut, I’m Just Making An Exception On This Date

9. I’ve Never Had a One Night Stand

10. I’m a Sensitive Guy

11. I Make Six Figures

12. I’m not Religious But I’m a Spiritual Person