Get Google Adsense Approval within 3 days

Get Google Adsense Approval within 3 days

Google AdSense! One of the most easiest, trusted and professional way of earning money by showing your passion towards writing and sharing the knowledge. Google AdSense is trusted by many advertisers and publishers from the past few years, and usually they never accept anyone randomly who is trying to apply for an account.

Google Adsense
Google Adsense Approval

So before getting started, make sure you follow these guidelines without fail, else your application will be rejected without any further pending approval. Remember that everything which I mentioned below counts. Don’t compromise on number of posts, own domain, good design and other metrics, else the chances of rejection is higher at your end. So here we go, the 15 most important guidelines to follow before applying to Google AdSense.

Minimum Posts/Articles/Pages:

If you are using WordPress, make sure your website/blog has at least 40 quality articles which are not copied from anywhere else. Your content on the articles should be extremely rich and make sure you use relevant images where ever required

Prohibited Website Niches:

Statistics show that your account will go through a faster approval process if you have more quality articles on Health, Internet Marketing, Business, Law, Technology, Entrepreneurship, Travel, Lifestyle and Social Media. Google will take your application as a serious offense if your website contain any of the prohibited content mentioned

Google Analytics Code:

Adding Google Analytics code on your website is a trusted factor for the approval. Adding Analytics onto your website show that you are actively tracking your visitors and is much serious about the statistics of your users who visit your website.

Google/Bing Webmasters Verification Page:

Just like Google Analytics, you need to even verify with Google Webmaster program, which has the complete access to your website in search perspective. With Google Webmaster Tools, you can track your website critical errors and fix them on a daily basis.


Creating Robots.txt file on your website will get rid of indexing unwanted junk onto Google. I have written a detailed post few days back on how to write perfect robots.txt for your website. Else you can also check own robots.txt file and simply copy it to your WordPress website.

Important Pages:

Google wants to know your identity before you signup to their AdSense program. So make sure your create the following pages on your website as soon as possible.
  1. Privacy Policy
  2. Disclaimer Policy
  3. Terms of Usage
  4. Contact Us
  5. About Us (Write your name and address through which you applied the AdSense account)
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